
Assessing your Faith Condition

What's your FAITH NUMBER?

On a 1 to 10 scale, how is your faith doing? Is it stale and lifeless, barely existent (1)? Or, is it vibrant, exciting and filled with inspiration (10)? Could it be that you are wonadering somewhere in the middle, still in the huddle wondering what faith would be like outside the walls of church? Everyday is a good day to re-think and re-assess your faith condition. So, take a moment and assess your FAITH NUMBER.

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

These ten Assessment Questions will help you determine your FAITH NUMBER (1 to 10). As you read through the list, ask God to help you make an honest appraisal. After each question answer "Yes" or "No". At the end of the questions add up the number of "Yes". That number is your FAITH NUMBER at this point of your life. This is not an online test, so don't expect some computer response at the end. This is just between you and God. However, you can let me know what God does with this re-think exercise.

Woman 1 Do you assume the impossible?
God is waiting in the deep--have you met him there, in the middle of the struggle? Have you found yourself over-your-head, invading the impossible? Did you pass the test? YES! or NO!

2 Have you met God in baggage claim?
Everyone comes to God with bags packed full of mess-ups, failures, selfishness, broken promises, and missed opportunities. Faith turns loose of the claim ticket, but only God can unpack the past right, leaving us with the memories, while removing the guilt and hopelessness. Then only his Spirit can reboot us and give us "start-over" power. So, does God have your claim ticket? "Yes!" or "NO!"

3 Do you look for spiritual fingerprints?
The Bible may be finished, but God is not. He's still here. Have you sensed his presence? Worship is all about experiencing the presence, but so is crisis and disaster. Have you seen his fingerprints as you face the roadblocks and celebrate your victories? Do you intentionally look for God's fingerprints in your life and the lives of others? "YES!" or "NO!"

Man4 Do you see the unseen?
Faith looks for the best in others; sees the blessings, the gifts, the loneliness, and the fearfulness in others. Do you look beneath the surface? Do you sometimes see the good and the doubt in others before they do? "YES!" or "NO!"

5 Do you prepare for divine appointments?
God always puts his people in the right place at the right time with exactly what's needed. Only God has the master calendar. Have you found an unscheduled moment ends up bringing you face to face with a burning bush? Have you been surprised by an unscheduled divine appointment? "YES! or "NO!"

6 Are you standing on holy ground?
Praise and prayer is much more than holy speech time. It's a dialogue with God; it's holy ground. Nothing is more life-affecting than these moments. God delights in these times. Sometimes they are personal and awe-inspiring, other times they are public and energizing; we call it worship. Have you found your place on holy ground? "YES!" or "NO!"

Woman7 Do you embrace the nudges?
Have you had sudden urges to call a friend or send an email? Have you felt that "out of the blue" elbow to pray for something or someone? These nudges are powerful and very personal direct-line connections with the Spirit of God. Do you respond to them? "YES!" or "NO!'

8 Do you tell your story?
God is writing his story in your life. Your chapter of his story will bring hope to someone who desperately needs to hear it. There is overwhelming power in our story, our account of God's place in our private world. Are you known as a teller of faith stories? "YES!" "NO!"

9 Do you keep your eyes on the goal?
Faith transforms people. God's people invest their lives in living so God looks good. It's not about them, it's about HIM. They are far from perfect, but they have found that God's way makes love and joy and peace and grace much more than words in a book. Are you on your way to intentional living so that God looks good? "YES!" or "NO!"

Man10 Are you prepared for darkness?
As you learn more and more of what God is like, have you noticed you still have those twinges of selfishness and doubt? You will face dark times, but as you quit reading his book as a textbook, and read it more like a diary, he will reveal his secrets to you... he already knows yours. And that's the best preparation for whatever the future brings. Have you experienced the difference between reading the Bible like a textbook and reading it like a diary? "YES!" or "NO!"

Now add up all your "YES" responses: Got a number? Consider it your FAITH NUMBER. What's next? Listen for the voice of God. He will point you toward your next chapter. Pick one of these assessment questions and set your heart on going deeper at that point. God is ready, are you?

When the Spirit nudges you to explore Faith Coaching click here.Then begin your training with one of the following books.
